Service Order Form

    Address :

    Osny, France

    E-mail :

    Phone number

    07 87 20 71 79

    What are the performances?

    Training and document’s creation, correction, translation (letter, cv, contract, convention, planning, press kit, report, booklet, survey, rules of procedure, invoice, banner, illustration chain, thumbnail, publication, story, logo, poster, flyer, newsletter, menu and recipe, label, announcement, calendar, postcard, book cover, CD cover, comic book, summary, bookmark) etc.

    What are the price conditions?

    The rates of creation, correction, modification and translation depend on the content and the delay. For word processing of several pages, we charge per 2,500 words and all prices, including training, are available on request.

    What are the delivery deadline?

    Everything depends on the order: a translation of ten pages or twenty thousand words is not comparable to that of a single page. The delay varies according to the corrections, the modifications if necessary, etc. We work for a specific purpose: your satisfaction and you are informed of the initial delay when ordering.

    Would you like more information?

    Just go to the contact page and submit your request for information; you can also send us an email at and we will be happy to answer you.

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