Wildesignn trains you in spelling techniques
You would like learn French writing basics techniques, Wildesignn is standing by your side to show you the way.
Training is a seed that sprouts forever because what is learned is not lost, that’s why Wildesignn offers training on orthographic, grammatical or syntactic techniques. You will be able to freely edit your writings, in complete autonomy.
You make mistakes in entering your emails?
Wildesignn teaches you to avoid frequent mistakes.

Do you face difficulties in choosing the right verbs ending?
Wildesignn wakes the writer inside you.
The benefits of Wildesignn training

We adapt to each level to provide appropriate training.

The training can be delivered in various places, a person or a group can be formed.

Our offer is adjustable at the hourly rate, you will have the opportunity to choose the appropriate duration.
How to submit your training request
Just click on “My Request” and follow the instructions:
- Select the “Training” service
- Formulate your request in detail
- Attach a document if necessary
- Communicate your details (names, email address and / or phone)
- Send.